Reasons why you should STILL wear your mask despite the new COVID-19 measures

Wearing masks are no longer mandatory outdoors from 29 March onwards. Despite so, here are some reasons why it is still important to wear your mask!

1. You may be more likely to attract your soul mate

Video from Im Just Saying Yoo

They use the term “mask fishing” in Tik Tok– but it actually helps you to use the charms of your eyes to draw your potential soulmate! It builds up the curiosity about how you look without your mask too.

2. Don’t waste your money 

How to collect your free surgical, N95 masks from Thursday | The Straits  Times

Image from The Straits Times

When the new measures were announced, how many of us still has a delivery for our face masks and face shields? Don’t waste your money and continue wearing those masks you bought!

3. And save more money! 

Image from Pinterest

Wearing masks would make all the makeup and lipstick unnecessary, for ladies. Even if we put on makeup, it stains onto our masks and touching up is a hassle. Time to let our natural beauty shine and save money on unnecessary makeup products!

4. Better be safe than sorry 

Singapore reports 7,584 new COVID-19 cases, 13 deaths - CNA

Image from Channel News Asia

Although the COVID-19 situation is more stabilised in Singapore, it is not completely gone yet! Keep your loved ones safe and wear your mask if you feel like you should.

Here’s where you can actually remove your masks 

Image from The Straits Times

Whether or not you choose to wear your mask, do stay safe and ensure that masks are still worn indoors!