New Generation 2 plushies arrives at Pokemon Center Singapore

It’s been almost 4 months since the Pokémon Center Singapore opened. Come National Day (9 August 2019), the store will also be selling brand new Generation 2 plushies from the Johto Region.

This Pokémon Fit soft toy collection is also known as the sitting cuties collection overseas. It features palm size Pokemon in their sitting position.

Besides the 127 new plushies in this line, fans will also be able to pick up all 27 forms of Unown. Each Pokémon Fit plushie retails at S$19. While stocks last.

Generation 2 Pokémon Fit Plushie Sale
When: 9 August 2019, From 1000hr
Where: Pokémon Center Singapore
Cost: S$19 each

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